Friday, February 12, 2010

The Birth of Fluxus

Rene Block coined the term fluxism to refer to the idea of eternal transition and the core philosophy that animates fluxus. Fluxus, appropriately emerged during the era of electronic music and video around 1962. This was a shifting point of world views. Fluxus is constructive and founded on the principles of creation and transformation and its central methodseeks new ways to build.In Europe, Japan and the United Statesseveral artists had been working in parallel art forms and pursuing many of thee same ideas in therir artwork. there was an art show called the Fluxus Festival and the participants in the festival came tio be known as the Fluxus group. John Cage was a professor teaching at New School in the late 1950sand early 1960s and influeced his students in the ideas of Fluxus. there are 12 criteria for Fluxus : Globalism, Unioty of art and life, intermedia, experimentalism, Research orientation, chance, playfulness, simplicity, implicativeness, exemplativism, and specificity. Most fluxus work is ephemeral as an analysis of time. Musicality refers to the favct that many nfluxus works are designed as scores, with exact instructions of how to do the art piece second by second. George Maciunas is central to Fluxus but thinkning of him as the central figure in fluxus is a mistake. George was the central organizerand sometimes the chairman of fluxus but loosened the idea of central control and was more interested in spreading Fluxus as an artistic action rather than determining the terms of fluxus. What is unique about the Fluxus movement wwa that it was named that by members of the group and not an outsider like an art critic. Fluxus has happened and continues to happen.
The most interesting part of Fluxus is its relation to real life. However, life is not controlledand mapped out. My understanding of fluxus is that it is a manipulate version of life taht iws minultly observed. Fluxus has a way of understanding our mortality and human time in segments rather than time as a large abstract concept. The idea of controling time is one tha thumna beings have chased since the beggining of time and Fluxus, though seemingly unusual, does not seem to deviate very far from this human longing.

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